[Meu blog está ficando poliglota. Recebi este release da minha agente e resolvi reproduzir em espanhol mesmo]
Agencia DraftFCB y Eterna Cadencia Editora presentan una edición especial del libro
El futuro no es nuestro. Nueva narrativa latinoamericana, de Diego Trelles Paz (comp.)
Una selección de nueva narrativa latinoamericana en una edición que desaparecerá en dos meses.
El contenido de este libro fue impreso con una tinta que se borrará completamente a los cuatro meses de abierto el embalaje, con el objetivo de que sea leído al poco tiempo de ser adquirido.
Mucho se puede decir del libro como objeto, de su amenazada existencia por distintos peligros. Los que amamos los libros sentimos que nunca van a desaparecer.
Todo surge de una anécdota durante la última feria del libro en Santiago, Chile. Allí, un panel de autores latinoamericanos intentó contestar la pregunta “¿Por qué no nos leemos?”. La idea resultante de la mesa fue que era difícil conectar a los autores latinoamericanos con sus lectores de habla hispana por fuera del propio país.
La Agencia de Publicidad DraftFCB tuvo entonces la idea de crear un libro que tuviera que leerse con urgencia, para ayudar a la difusión de estos autores. Para dramatizarla, imaginó un libro cuyo contenido tuviera una fecha de vencimiento y salió luego a la búsqueda de algún título de literatura latinoamericana ya existente que pudiera protagonizar el proyecto. Ese libro es El futuro no es nuestro. Nueva narrativa latinoamericana, una compilación de narradores jóvenes de distintos países del continente, seleccionados por el escritor peruano Diego Trelles Paz y editado por Eterna Cadencia Editora en 2009. Este libro, que fue editado en distintos países de América por distintas editoriales independientes, cumplía con la intención de dar a conocer de modo novedoso y urgente una literatura excelente que poco a poco se está abriendo paso entre los lectores de habla hispana y más allá. La impresión se hizo en serigrafía en Papelera Palermo.
“Pensamos que es una manera mágica y poética de contar un problema real. Quisimos hacer un libro que fuera un mensaje en sí mismo. Que nos incentivara a leer a estos autores antes de que sus relatos desaparezcan de verdad, ahí delante de nuestros ojos”, cuenta Javier Campopiano, Director General Creativo Regional de DraftFCB.
Ideia divertida. O Diego já vinha fazendo um ótimo trabalho com essa antologia, que saiu em tudo quanto é lugar, Argentina, Peru, Bolívia, Estados Unidos, Hungria e sei lá mais onde. Eu estou lá, o único autor brasileiro (com o conto "Espinha de Peixe"), na companhia de ótimos escritores e amigos como Tryno Maldonado (México), Samanta Schweblin (Argentina), Santiago Roncagliolo (Peru) e Daniel Alarcón (Peru), entre outros. Não, no Brasil o livro não foi lançado.
[Para poder dividir Floripa com os amigos de fora, resolvi fazer este post em inglês. Até porque já escrevi horrores sobre a ilha aqui e você já sabe de tudo...]
So, I´m back in Brazil. A friend from Helsinki asked me: “it should feel good to be back home after all those months” but I guess I have to give the Bela Lugosi´s answer: “Home? I have no home…” And it´s true. I still haven´t found (what I´m looking for…) a place to call home, basically because I´m always by myself, bringing my job with me wherever I am, and I am not attached to anyone. Maybe it´s a typical writers thing, to always see yourself as a foreigner, a strange; I don´t know. But I have my favorite place in the world, for sure, and it would be the Island of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis.
"Barra da Lagoa", where I used to live. A fishermen village, east of the Island.
The map in my arm. Always bringing the Island with me.
It has around 40 beaches, plus lakes and native parks. It´s a touristic place, yes, but nothing as close to Rio, thank god. Even on a new year´s eve you can still find a quiet spot on a popular beach, leave your things unattended at the sand and go swimming (Uh, I guess this is pretty standard in Scandinavia. Sorry to say it’s NOT in Brazil. And for sure there would be people telling me NOT to leave my things unattended in Floripa. Well, I always do, but never would in a place like Rio.)
My credit card, iPod and clothes were somewhere in the sand...
See, those pics were taken on a sunny weekend, and the beaches are pretty peaceful. Also, can you see the mountains? Do you see any houses? Buildings? Favelas? THAT'S how a beach is supposed to be.
Friends by the lake.
I´ve travelled so much abroad, and I’ve seen so many people travelling to São Paulo and Rio. Well, Rio is undeniable beautiful, and maybe it holds a great sample of the Brazilian culture, but it´s still a big, stressful and not so safe city. São Paulo is stressful as hell, even though it has maybe one of the best nightlives and cultural lives in the world. Florianópolis is perhaps an accessible Brazilian “roots” experience (for Dummies), far from perfect, but still my favorite place in the world.
The little mermaid.
(Before you ask me – the AMAZON rain forest is not well known by the Brazilian people in general. It´s far, expensive and, thank god, still pretty much wild. A trip there from São Paulo could be more expensive than a trip to Europe.)
Seafood is obviously the choice in Florianópolis. Shrimps, prawns, oyster and fish in general are served in huge portions, as the Brazilian tendency for excess dictates.
It was great to be back south this weekend. And it´s great to know that I can always go back there (Uh, well, it´s around 10 hours by bus from São Paulo, I think it´s close, almost a trip from Helsinki to Rovaniemi… YOU should go more to Rovaniemi, you schmuck! maybe my 2nd favorite city in the world…?)
(C´mon, Paris is for hipsters.)
You are the one missing here.
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Vi esses dias uma discussão interessante, perigosa, num canal sobre livros. Uma autora australiana de literatura “hot” foi presa por aut...